Friday, 5 December 2008

Yum yum

We've now stopped taking online orders completely, and are just pushing customers into stores where we can. Over the last couple of days we've met with a few companies who could potentially provide an alternative fulfilment service to replace EUK. All sounds fairly do-able, although I have no idea if we could make the commercials work.

We're still waiting for any news from EUK, and of course all bets are off until that becomes clearer. Maybe today, although the way this has been playing out I'd be surprised if there's anything concrete by the end of today.

Using my brilliant financial and analytical skills I've also worked out that even if EUK started trading again tomorrow, recent events may just have some financial implications that will need a bit more than sticky plaster. So hanging over all of us is the possibility that the rug may be pulled under our feet at any time, regardless.

Still, this is supposed to be a place to come for positive news so; (1) my lunch of festive turkey and cranberry baguette with tomato and basil soup from M&S was very tasty and (2) a recruiter has been in touch. Time for that coffee and a chat, I think...

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