Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Taking the brand to the next level

Sadly, Michael has left for pastures new. We went across the road for some drinks yesterday after work, and it was a welcome distraction from everything that's been going on.

I reached that 3 drink mark where you're not going to do anything silly but your guard is down, and on the way home I reminded myself why I haven't signed up for Blogger's mobile service. You can SMS or email posts to the blog, and I've been tempted to do that. The trouble is that the ideas that seem good on the way home, after a few drinks, are often far from good the next morning, or indeed at that moment; and are often best not shared. So for now I'll settle for the safety of posting from the PC.

Suzanne also mentioned to me that the blog needs more content. Of course, like all great brand-builders I've been taking the approach that the melvtopia brand needs to be built on the back of honesty, integrity and a focused idealogical proposition before attempting to commercialise it. On the basis that I now have 4 followers, with possibly a new recruit in Stephen L, I think I can safely say that I've reached critical mass and so I'll be unashamedly adding Google ads and assorted widgets over the coming weeks. All to support the brand, you understand.

1 comment:

SuzeJ said...

Hey when I said more content, I didn't mean blatent commercialisation!