Wednesday 27 July 2011


I met Suzanne for drinks tonight, and the subject of melvtopia came up. Suzanne, bless her, has been faithfully checking for updates, and so it seems I've been letting her - and perhaps others - down by just stopping posting.

SJ also pointed out that my last post was about Josh, a Ministry of Sound colleague who was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident. A sad, sad post but maybe not the way to properly end a blog that, after all, was founded on seeing the positives in life.

I've written before about the fact that it's difficult to write without having something to write about, which is why melvtopia has run it's course - for now at any rate. That's a cheeky little tease just in case I change my mind - but don't wait up...

Our mutual friend Dan quoted Samuel Johnson, I think, saying something along the lines of "a happy or busy man can't keep a diary". Well that's where I'm at right now. I'm happy, I'm busy, and I don't have anything that drives me to write.

You don't want to hear about my day-to-day life - you can follow that on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ (oh yes, still a Social Media trendsetter...). So it's time to bring the curtain down on what was, for a brief moment in time, quite meaningful to me. I hope it at least provided some interest to my readers.

If you're reading this, thank you for sticking with it all this time. It's been a blast (and I'm sorry about
the shite stuff).

And so it's over and out. I leave you with one final message: whatever happens, the glass is always half full in melvtopia.

Thank you and goodnight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone