Tuesday, 23 December 2008

The day before tomorrow

So here's how it's gone since I came back to the office. I went across the road to meet Bobby, who was instructing the barman on how to create a hot toddy. With my sore throat and all I joined him.

After a good chat, in which he said he thought I was IN MY LATE 30s OR EARLY 40s, I joined Suzanne and Heather with Ken and Matt from Disney. Let's just say they had a head start.

During conversation with Matt, he mentioned that HE THOUGHT I WAS IN MY MID-TO-LATE 30s.

Round about 4.30 we went back to the office in preparation for our after-work drinks with Steve. I added an obligatory couple of LinkedIn contacts, and headed back to The Distillers with Steve, Suzanne and Andy. Not really wanting to get into serious drinking, I bowed out around 7.00 and headed home for a bit of Rab C Nesbitt...

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