Thursday, 11 December 2008

Stansfield shocker!

Here's a weird thing. Download Lisa Stansfield's 'All Around The World' from iTunes, and what you actually get is 'Never, Never Gonna Give You Up'. Even weirder, when you download it from Napster, from a different album, exactly the same thing happens.

So I guess that would be glass half empty if you wanted 'All Around The World' but possibly half full (pushing it...) if you really like 'Never, Never Gonna Give You Up'.


Lies said...

Anyway, half-empty. Buy my book 'Lying your way to love and happiness'

or if you're feeling a bit tight download it for just 12p !!!
and you'll be able to read the section on 'Unlocking the power of negative thinking' in which I destroy forever the half-full ill-logic that has no place in the real world. Do you dare?

the optimistic one said...

Some people, including very good friends, have no shame...

I wholeheartedly recommend the book though.