Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

A very happy new year to my multitude of readers and followers.

Wenge and I had planned to actually do something this year, and had even been invited to a couple of parties. However, what with everything that's been going on, and me having flu over the whole Christmas break, we decided to just have a quiet night in with some good food and a nice bottle of wine.

As it turned out, both Laura and James now have the same thing I had, so they didn't go out last night. In the end I cooked some ribeye steaks with stuffed mushrooms, pureed carrot and baked potatoes with sour cream, and opened the bottle of red that Laura had brought me from Montpellier earlier in the year. Then we all watched 'Blood Diamond' until it finished - bizarrely -at 11.59 just in time for the bells and the fireworks.

It was the best new year's night in many years.

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