Saturday, 7 February 2009

A new dawn

I'll start by saying congratulations and good luck to Suzanne and Amy, who are both starting new jobs on Monday. It's great to see team zavvi doing well.

I need to react to a comment left recently by my good friend and fiercest critic Lies. "Enough zavvi", he said. "Time to let it go". I confess that there have been quite a lot of zavvi related posts on this blog, which of course is inevitable since I started it just around the time that it was all starting to go pear-shaped. In fact, it was one of the triggers for starting to write melvtopia: if I could keep looking for the positive, and stay optimistic, it would stand me in good stead when the lights went out.

The first readers of melvtopia were in the office, and I'd guess that more than 50% of readers now are zavvi people - so, again, it's understandable that this major thing that happened to us is something that I write about.

But is Lies right? Is it time to move on? Have I said everything of interest that needs to be said about zavvi, and are you tired of emotional rants about how great everyone was? What happened, happened, and it's a chapter of our lives. In a year from now we may hardly talk about zavvi.

Or is it a glue that binds a number of us and, let's face it, is still pretty fresh and is still affecting our working lives. As a 'publisher' is it my job to provide content that strikes a chord with my readership - like, for example, the Daily Mail does every time it puts an article on its front page about immigrants taking British jobs or the failure of the education system?

Actually that's a pretty poor analogy. I'm not a proper publisher. I'm not even a proper writer. So I'm not kidding myself that this is anything more than me doing something that I'm having fun with. But I do try to make it interesting enough for others to want to read it. So what do you think I should do about the whole zavvi/moving on thing? Let me know by voting in the new poll.

And Lies, go easy with those cynical pills...

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