I said some time ago that I'd like to reach 25 followers by the end of February, and right now I don't think it's looking very likely. I have 11 at the moment, so a bit of a way to go. All you have to do, by the way, is click the 'Follow this Blog' link to the right.
In marketing terms you 11 followers are the Trendsters; you don't follow brands, you like to discover them. You are the people who drive the brand (I acknowledge that I'm taking some license here with the use of the term 'brand') but you are selfish - it's all about me, me, me...
The rest of you are Restless. You're early followers. You like to use brands to define yourselves. If I launched a range of melvtopia clothing you'd be my target market. And yes, you aspire to be one of the trendsters.
There's a third group; the Trailers. This is the mass market, who haven't yet discovered melvtopia. And, frankly, never will. Unless I can get a celebrity on board then they'll come flocking.
So you restless ones, this is all on you. I need you to commit to melvtopia. And to give you an added incentive, I'll give £1 to the Disasters Emergency Committee for every follower signed up by the end of this month. I'll even double that for every one over 25.
It's a win-win-win. I get my followers; DEC gets some money and you make sure you become a part of the fastest-growing media property since Facebook. Or maybe Twitter. Or maybe 'Girls and Corpses'.
In the immortal words of the Blessed Delia. Let's be having you!
Melvtopia, a brand - brilliant! I can see the licensing deals now: Pint glass's that can never get half empty, t-shirts with your picture on, action man type figures........ If you need some kind of marketing consultant or Marketing Director for Melvtopia inc I know someone with great skill, knowledge and time on his hand! :-)
Can I refer you to the melvtopia brand guidelines which clearly state that the initial 'm' must always be in lower case, even at the start of a sentence.
A number of people have contacted me regarding the marketing Director's position. I'm putting a short list together but given our history together I'm sure I can get you on it. If you're interested we should arrange an interview of the type that Suzanne had - ie in a bar...
Never mind the brand development marketing speak - girls and corpses? couple this with embracing Anne Summers? and wearing a thong? I think you're chasing a new somewhat unusual audience. Niche is where the rich is!
I can see a book/dvd co-pack in your future... and if you want a dozen more followers, I can be "influential" if you catch my drift...
count me in, Melvin! Mark (Wood) x
I follow in sympathy due to the pathetic response from others.
PS I'm Swedish????
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