Friday, 3 December 2010

The beautiful game

I had feedback from a melvtopia follower recently that she had stopped reading my posts because I had started talking about sport and football too much.

Well soz Suzanne but I can't look back at this week without mentioning one of the highlights - watching the best team performance I've EVER seen as Barcelona destroyed Real Madrid 5-0 in 'El Classico'.

This video nails it.

Highlight two: an incredible show by Arcade Fire at The O2 on Wednesday night.  Brilliant from start to finish, and the best sound I've heard at a gig for a very long time.

It would be nice if I'd saved the best till last: today I had an interview for a very exciting role at a major record label.  It felt like it went really well but I'll have to wait and see - fingers crossed...

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