Thursday, 20 May 2010

Hello hello, I'm back again

OK, I know that Gary Glitter has defiled what used to be quite a good expression of resurrection.

Nevertheless, I'm back, again. I haven't blogged on melvtopia for a while, mainly because I've been so caught up with work that I've left any semblance of creative expression in the office.

Frankly, I've had nothing left to give. And I'd rather write nothing than go through the motions of churning out blog posts.

But tonight I met up with my old friend, colleague and erstwhile boss Steve K. Over a decent although not brilliant tapas at Navarro's in Charlotte Street, we talked of many things, from business to politics to football to personal matters - amongst which was his sense of betrayal at the recent demise of melvtopia (at least that's how I heard it).

So in recognition, and appreciation of, Steve's wise counsel tonight, I'm inspired to pick up my pen/iPhone and write. Quite what to write is still up for grabs, but progress is progress...

I know. How about the interview I did with my old University magazine?

Ah, I could talk about that, but what would I have to write about next time?

(See what I did there?)

Until next time...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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