So, I'm sitting at the computer in our next door neighbours' house in Foix, that they've let us borrow for a couple of weeks.
I know it can get irritating hearing people go on about their holidays when you're slaving away at work, so I'll skim over the details: a beautiful old stone farmhouse in the foothills of the Pyrenees, overlooking a gorgeous valley; 38 degrees outside, the sun blazing on the crystal clear swimming pool; a fantastic kitchen and a Bang & Olufsson sound system. Ever the company man, though, I'm doing my bit right now by listening to the original Ministry of Sound 'Chilled' album.
Tomorrow, we drive to Collioure on the Mediterranean coast for a couple of days by the sea, then back here. I'll stop at my favourite Caves and let the owner guide me through some of the best of the local wines with a view to trying some out in the remainder of the holiday. Forgive me if I don't blog very much until I get back.
The glass is more than half full, by the way; a Minervois fresh out of the fridge to be precise...
I know it can get irritating hearing people go on about their holidays when you're slaving away at work, so I'll skim over the details: a beautiful old stone farmhouse in the foothills of the Pyrenees, overlooking a gorgeous valley; 38 degrees outside, the sun blazing on the crystal clear swimming pool; a fantastic kitchen and a Bang & Olufsson sound system. Ever the company man, though, I'm doing my bit right now by listening to the original Ministry of Sound 'Chilled' album.
Tomorrow, we drive to Collioure on the Mediterranean coast for a couple of days by the sea, then back here. I'll stop at my favourite Caves and let the owner guide me through some of the best of the local wines with a view to trying some out in the remainder of the holiday. Forgive me if I don't blog very much until I get back.
The glass is more than half full, by the way; a Minervois fresh out of the fridge to be precise...
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