When you think of a Ministry of Sound party you don't naturally expect to hear Stevie Wonder, New Order or Happy Mondays. But the assorted DJs rocked it with an awesome mix of old and new.
We stayed in the courtyard until around 10.00 then moved into the club - my first time there at night. Taking over The Loft, the music was just as good as it was outside. It was everything I'd hoped a Ministry of Sound party would be.
Then, just after 10.30, the club opened. Punters started to arrive, most of them male, and the music changed to a formula that presumably works commercially, but sounds like shit. We had a party going on, but it was funny seeing all those blokes arriving and trying to join in - especially with Wonder Woman, Catwoman and nurse Sara (did I mention that it was a fancy dress party?).
After a while a few of us decided it was time to call it a night (the lightweights had already left) and went through a side door back into the office to pick up our stuff.
All in all, a fantastic night. There's some stuff at Ministry of Sound that isn't all that wonderful, but they do know how to throw a party. I should probably make the effort to stay until the Christmas one...
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